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Défendre les droits territoriaux et coutumiers, le respect des droits humains, promouvoir l'auto-développement et l'auto-gestion des peuples autochtones de Guyane.

9th Symposium conservation Sea turtles in the Guayana 18-19 February 2009 Awala Yalimapo


Motion authorities Kali'na of French Guiana and Suriname Gathered at the symposium conservation and marine  turtles 


the Kali'na authorities Guyana and Surinam make this motion public. We denounce the relentless criminalization customs Kali'na and denial of control, management and access tonatural resources of our customary communities and our people ; We provide this motion to redefine our relationships with our respective states and institutions and promote our legitimate aspirations:

1. Mayor Awala-French Guiana-Yalimapo 2. Customary Chief Awala French-Guiana 3. Customary Chief Yalimapo French-Guiana 4. The Association Kulalasi 5. And the following participants 6. Stéphane APPOLINAIRE News-advisor 7. KILINAN Serge - councilor 8. APPOLINAIRE Franck - member of the community 1. Chief Ramses Kajoeramari (Langamankondre) 2. Chief Ricardo Pane (Christiaankondre) 3. Mevr. Lienke Pane (Stidunal) 4. Dhr. George Awankaroe (Stidunal) 5. Dhr. Silowen Alamijaware (Fisherman) 6. Dhr.Erick Maleko (Fisherman)

History: We recall that Maroni estuary is an ancestral territory Kali'na from colonization to the present, biodiversity-rich territory that faces important conservation issues, but institutions and territory are not recognized as indigenous peoples. Aboriginal communities Kali'na have preserved for thousands of years this exceptional wealth and remarkable. Protected area establishment in that territory without the prior and informed consent of our communities customary violate our economic, social and cultural rights, as well as the conventions, recommendations, relevant guidelines on the rights of indigenous peoples including: • THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY (Art. 8 j, s 10 c) • 169 THE CONVENTION OF THE ILO • THE AMERICAN CONVENTION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF MARINE TURTLES • DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS • THE RAMSAR CONVENTION • PRINCIPLES AND GUIDELINES ON INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND TRADITIONAL AND PROTECTED AREAS AND WWF IUCN •THE INTERAMERICAN DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ENTERED other

We ask: 1. the status of ratification of its conventions, Under Chapter 26 of Agenda 21, signed in Rio in 1992, "thenational and international efforts for a sustainable and environmentally sound development, should recognize, accommodate, promote and strengthen the role of indigenous peoples. " 2. Implement the recommendations contained in the study of Bernard Girondot, Gerard Columbus, initiated and funded by the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development. 3. The provisions of the Overseas Act orientation ", Article 33 reproduces the terms of Article 8 j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity. 4. We urge parliamentarians to submit draft laws to recognize Indigenous communities 5. We ask the Guiana region and the General Council to respect and implement these conventions 6. Common to members of PNRG to grant ways to respond to the strengthening of the role Indugenous people’s to have greater control over their lands and self-management of their way natural resources. " 7. The NGO's, including the WWF to apply the guidelines commitment to the rights of indigenous peoples to the case of Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. 8. At the RNA to grant ways and respect the social and cultural organization on their Kali'na traditional territories, customary authorities making decision not only consultative. 9. RNA with the mayors must suspend their policy of repression blind ONCFS who practical cowboy and despise our traditional authorities. 10. We request the suspension of the signing of the agreement and the RNA ONCFS.

On operative measures: 1. The provisions of Article 10 c of the Convention on Biological Diversity on the region border of the Maroni and Amana 2. the creation of a fund (the Trustee) for strengthening the role and participation, national, regional and international communities Kali'na estuary of Maroni. 3. The implementation of a training plan for community members to manage customary areas conservation, such training should include the topic of indigenous rights, environmental, and social cultural 4. Funding for a multi-year agenda to meet customary communities 5. The development of a multi-year integrated and alternative themes of ecotourism program energy, waste, habitat, fisheries, genetic heritage and knowledge systems traditional 6. On the customary collection of sea turtle eggs, will be managed directly by the traditional authorities, as is already the case in Suriname (Galibi) 7. The application of the device 2a of the Inter-American Convention for the Conservation of tortuesmarines which states: Each Party may adopt exceptions to the provisions of paragraph 2 a) to meet the economic needs of traditional subsistence communities, taking into account recommendations of the Advisory Committee established pursuant to Article VII, provided that these exceptions do not undermine efforts to achieve the objective of this Convention. 8. Submission to a local referendum on the initiative of the municipality of Awala-Yalimapo, maintaining or cancellation of the RNA,PNGR, the conservatory, and established a customary reserve conservation, including land restitution, ribs, mangrove forests currently under nature reserve, conservatory. 9. The CARET program, the Amazon and other PO planning on energy, water, waste must take into account the aspirations of the border Kali'na people . 10. The PNGR with our communities to assess the impact of its planning, the Regional Agenda 21 must be revised and include the issue of indigenous peoples in a new light 11. The PNGR should accelerate financial support in 2009 for the creation of free radio Awala - Yalimapo Galibi radio and support for educational programming.

Done at the Awala-Yalimapo, February 18, 2009

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